Let’s End The Trend Paw Prints Publishing and Forsynthia Books are teaming up to bring Elementary school Girls a new kind of club: Forsynthia’s: Girls Who STEAM (FGWS) is a one of a kind Girls STEAM club developed specifically for Girls age 5-9.
This special program is centered around *Play Based STEAM Learning* and highlights leadership, teamwork... and adventure.
Cost? All a member needs to get going is set of books (one copy of books 1 & 2!).
Some research that REALLY get us fired up: “Starting at age five, girls stop believing they can be presidents, scientists, astronauts, big thinkers, engineers, CEOs, and the list goes on. Why? Because what else are we going to believe when we are three times less likely to be given a science-related toy…and when our parents are twice as likely to Google ‘Is my son gifted?’ than ‘Is my daughter gifted?’ That’s not cool.”
“We need to see brilliant women being brilliant. And see how they got to where they there. To imagine ourselves doing what they do. But we can’t do it alone. Moms, dads, brothers, bosses, we need all of you to help. We need to close the dream gap. It’s up to all of us.”
Dr. Michelle Watson Canfield
What makes FGWS special?!
There is no other program available to elementary girls, across the country, like FGWS.
We believe there shouldn't be any economic factors standing in the way of Girls achieving greatness. No barriers. No fundraising needed... just a leader and some books.
This club can work in schools, libraries, bookstores, community centers: where there are Girls, a club may form.
We of course have club shirts and recommended (budget conscious) supplies that will be listed for activities, but these are not a requirement to starting a club.